
Showing posts from March 1, 2009

Synergistic thinking - V: Coping with runaway processes

Synergistic thinking - I Synergistic thinking - II Synergistic thinking - III Synergistic thinking - IV My next post in the series on synergistic thinking. But first, a disclaimer: The opinions and recommendations in this post are based solely on my own experiences. They are not meant to be taken as medical advice. Please consult medical help if you are in a state where coping is hard. To refresh, I've been thinking about and developing a theory called "synergistic thinking" for some years now. This underlying model of our cognitive activity may help throw light on several symptomatic "disorders" like unexplained anxiety, obsessive compulsion, unexplained hypersensitivity, some forms of persecution complex, etc. Please read through the earlier articles for more explanation. In a nutshell, synergistic thinking is what I call the "model-building" or "what-is" thinking. This kind of cognitive ability exists in all of us, but is perhaps more pron...