
Showing posts from March 6, 2022

Vedanta and Genetics

Indian thought has been greatly shaped by the philosophy of Vedas that are estimated to have developed over several millennia, beginning as early as 22000 BCE .  The Vedas presented a deep, abstract model of reality, that has in turn shaped collective worldview and notions of religion, ethics, morality and science. The civilisation formed under the influence of this philosophy (even those subcultures that rejected this philosophy) was vibrant and diverse, with different schools of interpretations appearing throughout history. There were also several periods of stagnation and degeneration, followed by rejuvenation of this philosophy by one or more social reformers, including Buddha, Mahavira, Adi Shankara, and so on.  In this post, we address one such issue that has created deep roots in Indian thought, and which is in dire need for reforms.  *~*~*~*~* The core inquiry of Vedic thought focuses on the nature of our self. The Upanishads, which are considered the essence of t...