
Showing posts from February 24, 2019

A tale of two brothers

'Tis a tale of two brothers One called Ramu, and the other Shamu, from a village long ago.. 'Tis the story of their lives and the lessons learned.. when out to the world, they decided to go.. Both went far and wide.. till one day, Ramu found a Master-- and Shamu found a Guru.. They learned their lessons well, and strived hard with sincerity.. until they were ready-- to go in search of prosperity.. Ramu had learnt to submit  and yield to the will of his Master.. so that he could think like Him, and follow his path, thereafter..  Shamu had learnt to think, with abstraction and dispassion.. so he could argue and inquire, with empathy and compassion.. The Master chiseled the mind of Ramu  and moulded him, as if he were a lump of clay.. While the Guru nurtured Shamu and helped him discover himself through his thoughts-- while at work and at play.. Ramu learned to treat his Master with fear and deferenc...