The wonder that was India
Once upon a time, philosophers-- men and women alike-- observed systems of interacting elements, and noted that the system as a whole, can be in different "states of being." They also noted that some states of being are more "stable" and "sustain" against perturbations. It is in these sustainable states, we can nurture life. The entire ecosystem of our planet, they noted, is just a sustainable state of being. They called this phenomenon of sustainability against perturbations, as "dharma". Sustainability is not a binary. Some states are more sustainable than others. They also noted that regardless of how sustainable was a state of being, every physical system eventually collapsed. Nothing in this physical world, they noted, is in a state of eternal dharma. This prompted them to embark on a quest for "eternal sustainability" which is called "Sanatana dharma". Physical systems are trivially not eternally sustainable. They henc...