
Showing posts from September 25, 2016

On declarative social orders

EDIT: Some Related Literature about the interpretation of dharma as sustainability: Dharma, Brahma, Rasa   Dharma as Universal Principle of Equilibrium  Over the last few months, I have been increasingly posting about the concept of dharma and other notions that are found in South Asian thought. Not surprisingly, I've promptly earned the label of a "Hindu Nationalist" (whatever that means) from some section of my reading population. One even went to the extent of hoping that I would "allow" others express themselves, given that I am now a Hindu Nationalist. Not surprisingly, I've often choked on the overload of irony in such situations. Firstly, a brief look at my posts over the years would make it apparent that if there is one thing that I fundamentally value, it is liberty . A liberal society is any collective that designs its norms and laws based on the legitimacy and integrity of the individual. And the reason why I find the concept of dharm...