
Showing posts from July 30, 2023

Hermeneutic lock-in

The way we approach our inquiry into the universe is called hermeneutics . Hermeneutics refers to the way of thinking, and the underlying approach we use to make sense of what we experience.  Our hermeneutics is so deeply ingrained within us that we are often unaware of its existence and the way it biases our thinking. As the saying by the physicist Werner Heisenberg goes:  What we observe is not the universe itself-- but the universe that is exposed to our method of inquiry   We get answers based on the kinds of questions we ask-- and while we are so obsessed with the answers, we often forget to inquire into our method of questioning itself.  Let me illustrate with an example. This video called "A tale of two brains" by Mark Gungor is quite popular on the Internet:  According to this theory, men's brain are characteristically different from women's brain. Men's brain categorises the universe into neat little boxes , and thinks only within that box. It puts back...